Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Journey: New Year's in London

Something incredible happened on New Year’s eve, and I can’t tell you what yet. It changed my life that’s for sure though.
I went on a Pub Crawl for New Years with Adam. There, I met and spent the next few days with Craig and Jon (two men who were staying in my hostel). There was some comfort and confidence back in my personality; I was beginning to feel familiarity with them even after one day. Craig was from N. Carolina, so we bonded over missing home. Jon is from Dublin, so we bonded over our love for Ireland, and both of our wishfulness to return one day. They were really something else, especially that night. We got separated during the night, so for the later parts, it was just me and Adam. We got lost for four hours trying to make it back home. We were so far from where we should have been, taxis wouldn’t even take us home. Adam had been taking triple shots of burben all night, but swore up and down his sobriety. Yeah, right. At that point, I was sober….and annoyed. It was a crazy night; one not to be forgotten that’s for sure.
The following day, while others were too hungover to do much of anything other than sleep, I found my way around London by myself. I figured out how to use the tube system (mastered even) and could have even made a map of the city by the end of the day. I have never felt more accomplished. I was terrified to travel in such a huge city alone, with no help (cause the English aren’t always good for that). I could feel my self-confidence grow by the minute. It was such a wonderful feeling, and one that isn’t easy to describe. So, if I am doing a poor job, please forgive me.
Later, I met up with the guys again….that was interesting…..

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