Monday, June 11, 2012

Breakfast for Dinner, Dinner for Breakfast??

This is real simple to make, and super duper cheap. Dylan considers this a treat basically whenever I get around to making this for him. 

1 can of Roll Out Crescents 
4 large eggs
.5 cup chopped onions
.5 cup chopped green peppers
1 large potato
1 package of bacon and chives potato seasoning

  1. Bake the potato and crescents following the steps I used for Poor Man's Beef Wellington
  2. Scramble the eggs while mixing in the onions and peppers. 
  3. Brew your coffee. I love Highlander Grogg from this local coffee shop/bookstore. It's quite tasty =P You may also choose whatever breakfast drink you wish, whether it be OJ, Apple Juice, Milk, etc...
  4. When crescents are finished, cut them in half 3/4 of the way in order to make them a little pocket sandwich when you put the eggs in them. 
  5. Enjoy them with your breakfast potatoes!!