Sunday, November 25, 2012

Maybe, Baby.

Too often do we hypothesis why a person says or does what they do. I mean, it's human nature to do so. As a society, we crave to know the underlying message or meaning behind people's actions. Instead of just outright asking though, we tip toe, avoiding being direct and follow social politeness guidelines. Asking the simple question "Why?" might just be too rude. And so there we are, asking why and responding, "Maybe-".

"Maybe she's just jelly of your awesomeness."

"Maybe he's just not use to having a girlfriend."

"Maybe they're just intimidated by such a strong and independent woman."

"Maybe he got stuck in traffic."

"Maybe you should just hear them out. They might surprise you."

"Maybe that's their way of showing they care without really saying they care."

OR maybe she's just a bitch and he's just another d-bag. Maybe they just don't like you cause you're annoying. Maybe you should just cut them loose. Oh, and maybe "He's just not that into you". See what I did there. See, see. Ah?  ;)

Is it really that hard to be direct when it comes to such matters? Why yes, yes it is. Have fun with that convo. Even I find myself stumbling to being direct and honest (while remaining polite and well tempered) with those in my life. That's saying something; I'm kinda known for my bluntness and brutal honesty at times. You don't want to step on toes, upset the person you're conversing with. But yet, how frustrating is it to sit there and hypothesis your maybe's and never actually knowing what's going on in their pretty little heads. If it looks like they don't care, they probably don't. And there is no sense in waiting for some little person with wings and a wand to show up to give you answers and make your problems go away. So, be brave. Have that talk. And if you just can't bring yourself to do so, know when to walk away and stop saying, "Maybe" baby.

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