Thursday, November 22, 2012


Yes, I am blessed to have a roof over my head, quality food in my belly, and good healthy under my belt. I am beyond blessed to have so many kind and warm people in my life. Everyday I come closer to realizing how little I would have if it were  not for my friends and family who always stood by me, regardless of my behavior. I do not have much of a "traditional" family, but I have something more special and real than anything. I am never alone; a friend with a hug and a drink is never far for me. And as I look back on my short life thus far, I cannot think of a way to express how truly grateful I am to have had the experiences I have had with the people in my life now. I would not be myself without them. And they mean the world to me. So, thank you my loves...for the fun memories, for always being there, for giving me a home when I had now, for accepting me and my crazy life, and for loving me as I love you.

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