Monday, July 16, 2012

Life's rough, Man!

And hectic! I feel like a lot has changed over the past few months, and not much has changed that much at the same time. Being the little workaholic that I am, I still work 30-40+ hour weeks between my 10008075064370.5 jobs I have. And for the most part, I like it at all of my jobs right now. Since it's summer, I am constantly doing projects and changing things up. I have specific projects to manage at the other, and then thete's the latest one. I'm still trying to gain my ground there, all the while trying to figure out the residents but measure up my coworkers. Some are chill, others not so much, and some I already dislike. But at least with the latest job, I feel like I'm actually making a difference in people's lives.

With every new job, I find out more about myself, how I manage situtations, how I work with others, my strengths and weaknesses.... Which I enjoy thoroughly. There's great value in reflecting upon oneself and being self aware. Alas, between the multiple jobs, a out of wack school schedule, dealing with family issues, dealing with the's all starting to take a toll. I mean, imagine two hours of sleep, six hours of work, class, studying, caring fpr pets, one hour nap, ten hours of work and repeat multiple days a week. Fun roght? I constantly feel pulled into many directions. I'm increased my time spent on prayer, meditation, Pilates and running to help decrease extra stress. Plus side on that, I have perfect health according to my NP. Ha, glad that's still going for me...surprisingly. But, such is the life of adele-supported nursing student, right?

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