Thursday, August 16, 2012

15 Things Girls Do Wrong with a Guy (or a Girl, if that's your thing)

1. Use "YOLO" as an excuse to get shwasted and sleep with a guy. OH, and then ask your friends, "Why can't I just find someone???" Really....? Class it up ladies. Men (or Women) still like that.
2. On a related note, just sleeping with any guy too fast. There are plenty of ways to ensure that this doesn't happen. There's the one month rule. Wait til you meet his/her mom rule. Or the don't do it until you know his/her mother's maiden name. The last two could probably happen at the same time. Either of these are good rules. Pick one. Stick with it, and you'll be golden.
3. Saying some pretty clingy or desperate statements. For instance, "I just want you to love me" or "I'm outside your house right now. I just want to talk." (True story for my one friend, Jess.) This only makes your significant other, or maybe just your crush, want to run in the opposite direction.
4. Saying you're too fat, or too ugly, or your boobs aren't the right size. After the first couple times you say this, they'll start to ignore you and just think you're fishing for some kind of compliment. And let's face it, you are. Have to confidence where you don't need to hear reassurance from men that you're a hottie. That confidence will make you one, without doubt.
5. Likewise, acting cocky. Humility goes a long way. You don't want to look like a stuck-up bitch. Saying something like, "I'm perfect",  and meaning it, will turn any potential lover off.
6.  Using that stereotypical girly high pitched, "OH MY GOD!" voice. Unless you are making fun of girls who do that, do not speak like this. Cause you will be made fun of. Just sayin'.
7. Trash talk people, whether the guy knows the person or not. You just look like a bitch and a drama queen, and who really wants to be around that negativity?
8. Sending mixed messages. Jumping into things before you thought about it, and changing your mind... OR just being two-faced, as some guys will take it as being.
9. Being indecisive. Just pick something! Trust me, it's not the end of the world if you picked something that's not so awesome. Chances are, you'll have time to go back and do the other thing. Even if you can't, there's always tomorrow to do something else. Make the most of what you do, and you'll love it either way.
10. Changing your personality. Okay, bare with me. I know this sounds contradictive of everything else I'm say. But when you really think about it, it's not. All of these things are apart of growing up, and being that mature, wonderful woman you're meant to be. But unless you're just a c***, you don't need to change your core personality or beliefs, especially for a guy. Stand strong with those, and the Mr. Right, as opposed to Mr. Right Now, will find you. You're just going to have to trust that.
11. Being too high maintenance. You don't need to spend two hours on your hair and make up everyday for results that look the same as if you just used really good moisturizer and make up brush. Yes you look pretty. But you look beautiful naturally. I spend 20-30 minutes on that stuff, if that, and am always getting compliments on my make-up/hair. Think of it this way: there are so many more important things you could do with that extra 1.5 hours. You could watch a movie. Take a walk. Workout. Have really great awesome sex. Everyone loves that, right?
12. Being too serious. Most guys I know enjoy teasing their girl. Be able to make fun and laugh at yourself. Quit sweating the small stuff. Your attractiveness to everyone, not just that special guy, will increase tremendously.
13. Accepting men who treat you poorly. Like you're heels, keep your standards high.
14. Never reaching for the bill, expecting the guy to be chivalrous. Treat him to a night out every now and then, instead of always insisting he treats you. While you're at it, hold the door open for him now and again. It should be about neutral respect, people. Get with the times!
15. Not following the do's and don't's of proper social behavior. Any d-bag will sleep with you, if you're hot enough or just plain drunk enough. Regardless of class or not. You don't want to be the 2am girl. You want to be the girl they're proud to walk around with during the day. Being annoying, clingy, dumbing yourself, or rude won't help that happen. Just take the advise and see what happens. It's better than just doing the same old thing you're doing now, isn't it?

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